Dr. Agger is a dynamic and engaging speaker happy to conduct engagements with State Chiropractic and Naturopathic Associations, Seminars for healthcare practitioners and physicians, businesses, Health Conventions, Television and Radio, employee health and wellness groups, safety talks, clubs and schools on topics related to health, wellness and performance.

He continues educating Statewide on how to implement some of the successful natural healing methods used at the Agger Chiropractic and Nutrition Clinic.

Popular Speaking Topics


Cleansing the body, a 21-day purification program

Get well! Stay well! A guide on how to increase performance naturally

Natural pain relief, Alternatives to Nsaid medications

Whole food supplements and herbal remedies for common problems

Whiplash injury management

Fatigue and energy

Thyroid and adrenal gland common disorders

Headaches, common causes and treatment strategies

Postural stress and correction

The feet and their relationship to health




Current Professional Peer, conference and seminar speaking topics:

5 Steps to health: taking your Patients from Chaos to order 8-12 hr seminars.

Conquering inflammatory processes: Clinical Nutrition Mastery and Application for Superior results 8 hr seminar.

Understanding Brain Inflammation, neurodegeneration and chronic pain management 2-4 hr seminar.

Decoding Fat metabolism: Hepatic and cellular pathways that are clinically relevant for success in managing inflammation, Cholesterol/ triglycerides and toxin removal – 8hr.

A Deeper understanding of whole food nutritional extracts and herbal therapy in the clinical setting.

Keynote / Motivational speeches available on demand.

Custom webinars available on demand.

Whether it’s a 2-hour brown bag lunch lecture or a custom weekend event you would like to book, please contact us at info@aggerchiro.com 
or give us a call at 503-236-1304 If you require a press package, please let us know!


Agger Chiropractic & Nutrition Clinic

503-236-1304 Click to Call

Fax 503-236-3182

2705 E. Burnside St. Suite 100
Portland, OR 97214

Located in the historic Burnside Trolley Building, just W of the Laurelhurst Theatre.


Monday          9.00 - 1.00pm
                         2.00 - 5.30pm

Tuesday          9.00 - 1.00 pm

Wednesday    9.00 - 1.00pm
                          2.00 -  5.30pm 

Thursday        9.00 - 1.00pm
                          2.00 - 5.30pm